Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Maria Vasquez
Art Period 2
September 2 2014

Purpose Of Art's Education

Dr Boris A. Hater is arguing that art is less important, and a complete waste of time because he believes that “America needs more graduates who can compete in a competitive market place”. I completely disagree with Dr. Boris A Hater’s claim because “Art helps other people communicate and helps us know that we aren’t alone”-Ashley. Furthermore, I believe that art is a very important way to discover who you are because “Art is a way to express human traits and the human natures". I believe that this is important because it can give you a different perspective and a different mind set as in how you see things.
  Even though America is performing low on math and science standardized assessment we should keep Art classes because art is a good way to express your internal and external emotions/feelings. Art is something that can be express in many different ways and is not a complete waste of time. Firstly, because in Art class you can "Learn how to communicate with other people and will guarantee that you know that you're not alone"-Ashley. In other words, you can freely speak your mind and not be judge because your statement/opinion will not be laugh at but respected. Secondly, Art is very important to many people, because Art is a way for people to "See what people don't see, this is creativity". Art is important because Art can increase chances for self-expression and can give you the confidence to reflect your vulnerabilities and help discover your imaginative thinking. Thirdly, Art isn't just about expressing your inner feelings but Art can also help the "Brain development especially of the creative and intuitive right brain functions". In other words, art isn't just drawing and expressing, but it is also a way to develop an education and skills.  Furthermore, Art can be very eye opening and can help create critical thinking. Finally," Art can you give you a better perspective and a stronger different mind set". In conclusion, Art class is important and can help by expressing your feelings, help discover some truth, and can help develop a strong perspective along with some skills.


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